"Neverwas Haul" Victorian House at Burning Man Music Festival

haha wow! This is the "Neverwas Haul" and is a 3-storey Victorian House on wheels built in 2006 by Shannon O-Hare and a crew of 12. It is located in Berkeley, California, USA and made from 75% recycled materials! O-Hare and his friends got the idea of building this mobile house when they were in the Burning Man Music Festival in 2005 and his reason for why they built is quoted here:
“After building the Clocktower in ’05, we were sitting in camp at Burning Man talking about our adventure so far. I thought how much we looked like some explorer’s club from some Victorian sci-fi, then I went further and drew the first Neverwas Haul concept sketch of an explorer’s club that really explores. I also got inspired by the book Snowcrash – there is a brief note about a Victorian house on tank treads in it.”

Every year the Neverhaul heads towards Black Rock City, Nevada for the Burning Man Festival powered by its diesel engine and steared with a wooden shop's wheel! Would you want an old Victorian house on wheels?

"Neverwas Haul" Victorian House at Burning Man Music Festival
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