"Steel House" in Ransom Canyon, Texas, USA

haha wow! This is the "Steel House" located in Ransom Canyon in Lubbock, Texas, USA. It was built by the architect Robert Bruno who spent 23 years building this strange but beautiful house that looks likg a giant pig out of 110 tons of steel. Unfortunately Bruno died due to his prolonged battle with colon cancer shortly before the house was completed. The house has been unoccupied and has been since 2008. The house itself was never a big priority for Bruno to eventually live in but rather he had a real passion for sculpture, which he also had a master's degree in Sculpture from Notre Dame University, and has built several other steel sculptures. To Bruno, the actual building and sculpting of the house was more important than it's actual completion. Would you want to live inside this giant steel house?

"Steel House" in Ransom Canyon, Texas, USA
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